This is a detailed report and reflection on what happened before, during, and after the 2017 G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany. At the same time, it is a letter addressed to the activists and residents of Buenos Aires, Argentina—where the next summit (protest) will soon take place.
The authors come from Paris and Hamburg; they took part in the protest week together. For the Compas in Buenos Aires, this letter should help to prepare for similar situations—to avoid repeating mistakes and to make the most of the opportunities. Proceeds from the sale of these books will go to support those targeted by repression in Buenos Aires.
>> Full english version with pictures and videos on Crimethink…/to-our-compas-in-buenos-aires-a-fu…>> Full english version with pictures and videos on Anarchist news>> Article with links for e-book in pdf in 4 languages on Enough is Enough…/nog20-to-our-compas-in-buen…/>> Article with links for e-book in pdf and explanation in 4 languages on IndymediaIndymedia linksunten NEED YOUR HELP TO SPREAD IT AND SPREAD RESISTANCE AGAINST G20 IN BUENOS AIRES, THE NEXT G7 IN FRANCE AND THEIR WORLD !
(sursa,Sabordons le G20, pagina fb)